Molecular-Genetic Neural Nets
Standard association methods aim at connecting genotype with phenotype in a direct way, thus
greatly simplifying biology. In fact, genes code for proteins or RNA ("gene products") which
may interact in a variety of ways and influence the phenotype only after a cascade of
intermediate steps. Molecular-genetic Neural Networks (NNs) generalize standard regression
analysis in a natural way by (1) implementing multistage gene products through one or more
intermediate "layer(s)", and (2) allowing for (linear/nonlinear) interactions between genes
and between gene products. It is the advantage of NNs that the specific knowledge about the
cascade of intermediate steps, which ultimately lead from genotype to phenotype, can be
incomplete or even unknown ("hidden layers").
Fitting the NN Model
During optimization the algorithm systematically improved genotype-phenotype correlations by
iteratively adding or removing genomic loci and fitting the NN model to the set of 1,042
observations under the constraint of reproducibility with k-fold cross-validation (k=10).
Using a single layer for gene products, we set the number of gene products equal to the number
of genomic loci included in the NN model, while a one-dimensional phenotype was chosen to
reflect the IgM level as derived from the multidimensional genotype. The convergence criterion
was set to c=0.03 with a maximum number of iterations of 70,000 and an initial learning rate
of l=0.012 that was gradually modified during iteration when the method of gradient descent
got "stuck" without achieving convergence. Averaged across the k solutions and applied to the
1,042 probes, weight matrices and classifiers yielded an overall performance for each
optimization step [Figure]. The optimization stopped when a plateau was reached at a rate of
77.3% correctly classified subjects out of the entire sample.
Prediction of IgM Levels by Genotype
The table below gives re-classification rates, sensitivity and specificity of NN-based predictors
as derived during the process of k-fold cross-validation prior to averaging weight matrices and
classifiers. Such predictors tend to be over-optimistic, in particular if the population under
investigation includes subgroups. Therefore, averaging weight matrices and classifiers allows one
to compensate for "local" data characteristics and yield a better performance when new, "unknown"
probes are to be classified.
Iterative optimization of the starting configuration by systematically adding/removing genomic
loci while fitting the NN model to the set of 1,042 observations under the constraint of reproducibility
with 10-fold cross-validation. The red circles designate the percentage of correctly classified subjects
for each optimization step, with optimization steps plotted along the x-axis (over proportionally large
decreases in performance indicate removal of loci of larger weight).