Evidence from previous studies has suggested that the inter-individual
differences of human brain-wave patterns (EEG) are predominantly determined
by genetic factors, and that the EEG maturation is under strict genetic
control. Yet investigations into monozygotic (MZ) twins discordant and
concordant for schizophrenia yielded a reduced within-pair EEG concordance
as compared to healthy control twins, and the severity of illness, as
derived from EEG-differences between affected and unaffected individuals,
was closely related to the severity of illness as provided by psychopathology
scores and axis-V overall social functioning. Consequently, EEG abnormalities
associated with schizophrenia and manifested differently in the co-twins
concordant for schizophrenia were hypothesized to reflect nongenetic,
pathologic developments of genetically identical brains.
Little is known about the "normal" range of EEG variation throughout the
process of brain maturation. Our study of 337 healthy, adolescent twin pairs
with repeated assessments at 3-year intervals, together with EEG recordings
of their parents, aimed to determine normative data with respect to EEG
maturation and the developmental synchronies in MZ and DZ (dizygotic) twins
during adolescence. It turned out that the within-pair EEG similarity in MZ/DZ
twins was, at each stage of development, identical in magnitude to that of
adult MZ/DZ twins, while the parent-offspring EEG similarity during adolescence
was significantly lower than that seen with adult offspring.
Stassen HH, Bachmann S, Bridler R, Cattapan K, Herzig D, Schneeberger A, Seifritz E. Inflammatory
Processes linked to Major Depression and Schizophrenic Disorders and the Effects of Polypharmacy
in Psychiatry: Evidence from a longitudinal Study of 279 Patients under Therapy. Eur Arch
Psychiatry Clin Neurosci. 2021; 271(3): 507-520
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Braun S, Bridler R, Müller N, Schwarz MJ, Seifritz E, Weisbrod M, Zgraggen A, Stassen HH:
Inflammatory Processes and Schizophrenia: Two Independent Lines of Evidence from a Study
of Twins Discordant and Concordant for Schizophrenic Disorders. Eur Arch Psychiatry Clin
Neurosci 2017; 267: 377-389
get the article]
Braun S, Bridler R, Müller N, Schwarz MJ, Seifritz E, Weisbrod M, Zgraggen A, Stassen HH:
Inflammatory Processes and Schizophrenia: Two Independent Lines of Evidence From a Study
of Twins Discordant and Concordant for Schizophrenic Disorders. Neuropsychopharmacology
2016; 41: S414–S415
Stassen HH, Delfino JP, Kluckner VJ, Lott P, Mohr C: Vulnerabilität und psychische Erkrankung.
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