Institute for Response-Genetics (e.V.)

Chairman: Prof. Dr. Hans H. Stassen

Psychiatric Hospital (KPPP), University of Zurich

IFRG Emblem

PAUSES — Analysis of pauses, utterances, loudness and dynamics

Determines the distributions of speech parameters, such as duration of pauses and utterances, energy and dynamics, or mean vocal pitch, in a speech recording, or in a set of recordings. Speech parameters can be analysed within individuals or across individuals for a prespecified experimental condition. All parameter distributions can be visualized through bar charts.

            Specificationlist:      PAUSES
            I4 PROT                      0  Default-value
            I4 PLOT                      0  Default-value
            I4 PMAX                      0  Default-value
            I4 PROZ                      0  Default-value
            I4 LPRT                      6  Default-value
            01 PROT Controls output to display/printer
            02 PLOT Controls graphic output
            03 PMAX Specifies maximum number of plot pages
            04 PROZ Specifies global maximum for frequency distributions in [%]
            05 LPRT Logical unit number of plot-device
            06 DEMO Examples that illustrate program function
            - PROT = 0: Basic statistics
                   = 1: Analysis of the parameter "duration of pauses"
                   = 2: Analysis of the parameter "duration of utterances"
                   = 3: Analysis of the parameter "energy/sec"
                   = 4: Analysis of the parameter "energy/syllable"
                   = 5: Analysis of the parameter "pauses per second"
                   = 6: Analysis of the parameter "mean vocal pitch"
                   = 7: Analysis of the parameter "F0 amplitude"
                   = 8: Analysis of the parameter "F0-6db bandwidth"
                   = 9: Analysis of the parameter "F0 contour"
            - PLOT = 0: No plot output
                   = 1: Distribution of the parameter "duration of pauses"
                   = 2: Distribution of the parameter "duration of utterances"
                   = 3: Distribution of the parameter "energy/sec"
                   = 4: Distribution of the parameter "energy/syllable"
                   = 5: Distribution of the parameter "pauses per second"
                   = 6: Distribution of the parameter "mean vocal pitch"
                   = 7: Distribution of the parameter "F0 amlitude"
                   = 8: Distribution of the parameter "F0-6db bandwidth"
                   = 9: Distribution of the parameter "F0 contour"
                   =10: Systematic group comparisons
            - PMAX = q: Maximum number of plot pages
                   = 0: Unlimited number
            - PROZ = p: Global maximum for frequency distributions in [%]
                   = 0: Will be optimized for each individual plot
            - LPRT = q: Logical unit number of plot-device (standard=6;
                        valid numbers are 46-96)
            - DEMO: Analysis of pauses and utterances


            &&START OUTPUT
            &&START CSELECT=Normative speech study zurich: ages 18-25 (study 600)
            &&START CSELECT=Normative speech study zurich: ages 26-35 (study 600)
            &&START PAUSES=Analysis of converted bli-tapes (stud600)
vSpacer voxFig21
Fig. 21: Mean utterance duration and mean pause duration describe the statistical properties of speech flow. These parameters are used to test the hypotheses that (1) patients speak more slowly during depression than they do after recovery, and (2) number and duration of temporary breaks decrease with recovery from depression. It is worth noting, however, that speaking behavior is a complex issue that cannot be reliably described by a single parameter.
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