Institute for Response-Genetics (e.V.)

Chairman: Prof. Dr. Hans H. Stassen

Psychiatric Hospital (KPPP), University of Zurich

IFRG Emblem

TCOPY — Copy/merge vox-tapes, convert tapes to new format

For historical reasons, Master.VOX stores speech recordings (time series) in internal files ("virtual tapes") that are IBM-3490 compatible without the 2 GB space limitation. This program copies and compresses virtual tapes, that have been recorded in the speech laboratory or have been imported from Microsoft *.wav files. When copied, the raw, digitized time series are pre-processed with respect to artifacts, segmentation and spectral analysis. The resulting parameters and tables are written on the output "tape" as part of the identification record which always precedes a recording. Parameters and tables are then available to all subsequent analyses.

            Specificationlist:       TCOPY
            A8 TANA              Undefined
            A8 TBNA              Undefined
            A8 TBVO              Undefined
            I4 NVOL                      0  Default-value
            I4 NBIT                     16  Default-value
            I4 IBM                       0  Default-value
            I4 PROT                      0  Default-value
            I4 MODE                      0  Default-value
            I4 LDIR                     49  Default-value
            I4 LG30                     30  Default-value
            I4 LG40                     40  Default-value
            01 TANA Name of input file    (mode=0/1)
            02 TBNA Name of output file   (mode=0/1)
            03 TBVO Volser of output file (mode=0/1)
            04 NVOL Number of volumes to be converted
            05 NBIT Specifies number of bits used in A/D-conversion
            06 IBM  Specifies data format (IBM/SPARC vs. X86/X64)
            07 PROT Controls print output
            08 MODE Specifies copy procedure
            09 LDIR Logical unit number of directory list  (mode<0)
            10 LG31 Logical unit number of input vox-file  (mode=0/1)
            11 LG40 Logical unit number of output vox-file (mode=0/1)
            12 DEMO Examples that illustrate program function
            - TANA:     Name of input tape ("NO" means that
                        DSN-name will not be checked)
            - TBNA:     Name of output tape ("NO" means that
                        DSN-name will not be checked)
            - TBVO:     Volser number of output tape
            - NVOL = n: Number of volumes to be processed  (mode<1)
                   = 0: All volumes
            - NBIT = n: Number of bits used in A/D-conversion (default=16)
            - IBM  = 0: Input data are stored in X86/X64-mode   (little endian)
                   = 1: Input data are stored in IBM/SPARC-mode (big endian)
            - PROT = 0: no protocol is produced
                   = 1: Detailed list of files being copied
                   = 2: same as (1) plus file verification
            - MODE < 0: Files are converted from old to new vox-format (1-to-1)
                   = 0: Old vox-files are converted and stored in single file
                   = 1: Starts new tape and Creates exact copy of input file
                   = 2: Concatenation: input file is appended to output file
            - LDIR = d: Logical unit number of directory file containing
                        a list of the files to be converted (mode<0)
            - LG31 = u: Logical unit number of input file  (mode>0:   30-45)
            - LG40 = v: Logical unit number of output file (mode=0-2: 30-45)
            - DEMO: Plot of speech recordings of 20 second length


            &&START TCOPY=Convert bli-tapes to new format (stud600)
vSpacer voxFig17
Fig. 17: Speech signals as assessed through a microphone are digitized online with a sampling rate of 96 kHz and at a 24 bit resolution. The recording procedure yields a 2-3 minute time series for each of the two standard texts. All time series are inspected visually and marked with an artifact code where necessary. Fig. 17 gives a visual impression of the complexity of speech signals.
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