Institute for Response-Genetics (e.V.)

Chairman: Prof. Dr. Hans H. Stassen

Psychiatric Hospital (KPPP), University of Zurich

IFRG Emblem

IMPORT — Convert files from microsoft wave-format to vox-format

For historical reasons, Master.VOX stores speech recordings (time series) in internal files ("virtual tapes") that are IBM-3490 compatible without the 2 GB space limitation. This program imports Microsoft *.wav files that have been recorded through laptops. When imported, the raw, digitized time series are pre-processed with respect to artifacts, segmentation and spectral analysis. The resulting parameters and tables are written on the output "tape" as part of the identification record which always precedes a recording. Parameters and tables are then available to all subsequent analyses.

            Specificationlist:      IMPORT
            A8 TANA              Undefined
            A8 TAVO              Undefined
            I4 NVOL                      0  Default-value
            I4 NBIT                     16  Default-value
            I4 IBM                       0  Default-value
            I4 PROT                      0  Default-value
            I4 MODE                      0  Default-value
            I4 LIDS                     46  Default-value
            I4 LDIR                     47  Default-value
            I4 LG40                     30  Default-value
            01 TANA Name of output file   (mode=0/1)
            02 TAVO Volser of output file (mode=0/1)
            03 NVOL Number of volumes to be converted
            04 NBIT Specifies number of bits used in A/D-conversion
            05 IBM  Specifies data format (IBM/SPARC vs. X86/X64)
            06 PROT Controls print output
            07 MODE Specifies copy procedure
            08 LIDS Logical unit number of ident file
            09 LDIR Logical unit number of directory list
            10 LG40 Logical unit number of output vox-file
            11 DEMO Examples that illustrate program function
            - TANA:     Name of output tape
            - TAVO:     Volser number of output tape
            - NVOL = n: Number of volumes to be processed
                   = 0: All volumes
            - NBIT = n: Number of bits used in A/D-conversion (default=16)
            - IBM  = 0: Input data are stored in X86/X64-mode   (little endian)
                   = 1: Input data are stored in IBM/SPARC-mode (big endian)
            - PROT = 0: no protocol is produced
                   = 1: Detailed list of files being copied
                   > 1: Details about sampling frequency
            - MODE = 0: Files are imported from MS wave-file format
                   = 1: Old vox-files are converted and stored in single file
            - LIDS = C: Logical unit number of ident file containing
                        proband details of the files to be converted (MODE=0)
            - LDIR = d: Logical unit number of directory file containing
                        a list of the files to be converted (MODE=0)
            - LG40 = v: Logical unit number of output file (range: 30-45)
            - DEMO: Import Microsoft *.wav files from Bristol study


            &&START IMPORT=Import wav-files from normative study (Bristol)
            &&START IMPORT=Import wav-files from normative study (Bristol)
vSpacer voxFig16
Fig. 16: The speech recordings of our normative studies are carried out in an acoustically shielded laboratory, thus guaranteeing a reproducible setting and the acoustic conditions required for a dynamic range of 60 decibel (dB). Speech signals are digitized online with a sampling rate of 96 kHz and at a 24 bit resolution. The recording procedure yields a 2-3 minute time series for each of the two standard texts. All time series are inspected visually and marked with an artifact code where necessary. The above Figure gives a visual impression of the complexity of speech signals.
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