GSELECT — Selects grouped cases, repeated assessments, conditions
This program is used to define a subsample of cases for subsequent
analyses. Cases are selected through the specification of
study-numbers, group-numbers, proband-numbers, recording days,
and experimental conditions. A sequence of CSELECT-calls accumulates
cases, so that any problem-specific subsample of cases can
be assembled by a sequence of single steps. An existing
subsample of cases is deleted by means of the parameter RSET.
Specificationlist: GSELECT
I4 PROB 0<
I4 ATAG 1 Default-value
I4 STAT 0 Default-value
I4 VERS 0 Default-value
I4 SEX 0 Default-value
I4 AMIN 0 Default-value
I4 AMAX 0 Default-value
I4 PROT 0 Default-value
I4 RSET 1 Default-value
I4 MODE Undefined
A8 POPU Undefined
R4 PROZ 15.0000 Default-value
01 STUD Selects studies
02 GRUP Selects groups
03 PROB Selects probands
04 ATAG Selects recording day
05 STAT Selects experimental condition
06 VERS Selects version of recording
07 SEX Selects gender of probands
08 AMIN Specifies age interval: minimum age
09 AMAX Specifies age interval: maximum age
10 PROT Controls output to display/printer
11 RSET Controls concatenation of cases
12 MODE Selects grouping criterion (recording days or conditions)
13 POPU Label that distinguishes between populations
14 PROZ Specifies the percentage of permissable missing data
15 DEMO Examples that illustrate program function
- STUD = s: Study number
= 0: all studies
- GRUP = g: Group number
= 0: all groups
- PROB = p1(/p2/p3/.. ) probands p1,p2,..
= -/a/-b: proband number range a-b
= 0: all probands
- ATAG = a: Recording day
= 0: all recording days (invalid if MODE=2)
- STAT = f: Experimental condition
= 0: all experimental conditions (invalid if MODE=1)
- VERS = v: Version of recording
- SEX = 1: Males only
= 2: Females only
= 0: males and females
- AMIN = a: Age interval: minimum age
- AMAX = e: Age interval: maximum age
= 0: all ages
- PROT = 0: No print output
1: Report of all selected probands
- RSET = 0: Add cases to list
= 1: Begin new list
- MODE = 0: Fixed "ATAG" and fixed "STAT"
= 1: Repeated assessments (parameter "ATAG" is ignored)
= 2: Experimental conditions (parameter "STAT" is ignored)
- POPU: Label to be given to this group of probands (8 char)
- PROZ = p: Permissible percentage of missing data per variable
- DEMO: Stability of speech parameters over time
&&START GSELECT=Normative speech study zurich: ages 20-25 (study 600)
&&START GSELECT=Normative speech study zurich: ages 30-35 (study 600)
&&START CORR=Normative speech study zurich (study 600)
&&START GSELECT=Normative speech study zurich: ages 20-25 (study 600)
&&START GSELECT=Normative speech study zurich: ages 30-35 (study 600)
&&START CORR=Normative speech study zurich (study 600)