SAVE — Save current modifications of databank
This program is used to make databank modifications permanent.
When invoking the program package Master.GEN a copy of the underlying
databank is generated automatically, and all transactions and
modifications are performed on this copy. All modifications are lost
unless they are made explicitly permanent through this program.
Specificationlist: SAVE
I4 LG19 19 Default-value
I4 LG21 21 Default-value
I4 PROT 0 Default-value
I4 PASS Undefined
01 LG19 Logical unit number associated with "vox_parms.db"
02 LG21 Logical unit number associated with "vox_spect.db"
03 PROT Controls print output
04 PASS A password is required for this task
05 DEMO Examples that illustrate program function
- LG19 = i: Logical unit number associated with "vox_parms.db"
- LG21 = j: Logical unit number associated with "vox_spect.db"
- PROT = 0: No print output
> 0: A report is generated
- PASS = x: A password is required for this task
- DEMO: Reset databank, load new case records, make them permanent
&&START TESTDB=Zurich Speech Study
Fig. 04: Distribution of mean vocal pitch amplitude in healthy
male speakers (ages 18-25 vs. 26-35 years), computed from the
experimental condition of "reading out loud emotionally neutral
text". This distribution is completely different from that of
same age female speakers (Fig. F03), thus indicating that male -
female differences in mean vocal pitch encompass not just the
1-octave shift in frequency but other characteristics as well.